How To Download Torrent File By Uploading It Somehwere


Suppose I am downloading a file from a server.
Now does downloading the file from the server mean, that the server is also simultaneously uploading the file to my computer. That is, apart from me using my bandwidth to download the file, the server is also using some of its bandwidth to upload the same file to my computer.
If not, then why do in bit torrent protocol we say that the seeders upload the file and leechers download the file.
This suggests me that upload and download for a file happens at the same time. Also, where do seeders upload the full file. Kindly help.

This cluster of peers is also referred to as a “swarm,” who are all uploading and downloading the same file. There are many website you can use to download.torrent files or access magnet. We must upload the torrent file to a torrent tracker site, such as The Piratebay, Kickass Torrents, or any other site that allows user uploads. How to upload a torrent to The Pirate Bay. The Pirate Bay has its ups and its downs, but it doesn't seem to be going completely away anytime soon. It's a good solution to upload our torrent file. How to seed an existing torrent if I have the files in my pc? If I use a.torrent file instead of a magnet link, the torrents says 'Checking' but it stops at 2.0%. As such it is frequently impossible to download only the data containing the desired file because that file may start or end somewhere inside a piece, making it.

Shivam aggarwalShivam aggarwal

3 Answers

You should not confuse BitTorrent with regular downloads.

Yes, when you download a file from a server, there are two parties involved and they must cooperate. In the 'real world' you could come and take something from me without my cooperation, but if you wanted me to give you an object across the room then I must pick it up, throw it to you, and you must reach out and grab it.

You will regret ski mask download. I throw, you catch; server uploads, client downloads.

BitTorrent is different because it is all about sharing. There may not be one 'server'. All the clients are peers, and everybody downloads the file from everybody else. So, once you have downloaded a piece of a file from the torrent, somebody else might download it from you. Hence, your computer does both download and upload simultaneously.

'Seeders' are merely client computers (people) who already have the whole file. They have therefore stopped downloading anything, but they continue to share which is, of course, an upload.

'Leechers' are clients that don't have the whole file yet, and are actively downloading data from the torrent (i.e. from the other clients). A 'leecher' that has part of the file already may also be uploading ('seeding') the file at the same time (or the user may have disabled upload, but not usually) but we don't call them a 'seeder' until they're only uploading.

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So, seeders do not upload the file to anywhere in particular; they share sections of the data when a leecher asks for it, and otherwise merely sit idle.


When a file (or a video stream, or game data, or whatever) is transferred from user A to user B, that data usage will count against both users' data allowances. So, if, for example, you transfer 2MB between two of your own devices (via an external carrier) then you'll end up getting charged for 4MB of data usage (2MB for each device).


For BitTorrent Seeders will Upload the File Either from there System or a Seedbox.

And Yes the uploader and the Seeder are using the same bandwidth.

Now Seeding usually is from multiple People or their computers.

Each Person that downloads a file is Seeding it unless they stop it.

Now Each person that downloads the Torrent will Download Pieces off of each person.

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So Yes Downloading From your computer means the Host is Uploading to you Bandwidth is being used both ways.

As For Downloading From a Site.

The site is uploading the file to you and you are downloading the file from them.

Some sites have Multiple sites the upload the downloads to that way you can select the best download for your region.


How To Download Torrent File By Uploading It Somewhere Youtube

What you download from your side (as a client) is automatically viewed as upload from the server side.

To take a very trivial example:Consider it like a two way road between two points (your house and your grandma's house): an observer from your house will see your car roll away to your grandma's, while your grandma's will see your car approaching.

So you are completely right when you are saying that seeders are uploading what leechers are downloading.

How To Download Torrent File By Uploading It Somehwere
Sébastien VALSEMEYSébastien VALSEMEY

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