Bad To Remove Realtek Ethernet Controller Driver

Windows 7: Can't Disable / Uninstall network driver. 27 Dec 2009 #1: Daevius. I then tried to Uninstall network drivers, or Disabling them. When doing that, my PC is in an infinite loop to uninstall the driver, or to disable it. Also changing IP setting manually and pressing Close in the Local Area Network. May 12, 2016 - Right click the Realtek network adapter and select Update Driver software. This option means that Windows can disable your driver to free up.

Starting with (what I think is) the specs:
Acer Aspire V5-122P laptop
Windows 8.1 64-bit
Processor: AMD A6-1450 APU
My internet speed has slowed considerably when I have my ethernet cable plugged in. The last speed test I did said 2.12 Mb/s download speed and 0.54 Mb/s upload speed.
I went to update my LAN Driver from
In the install process it asks if I want to modify, repair, or remove. I choose 'repair' then after the install process I get the error 'The RealTek Network Controller was not found. If Deep Sleep Mode is enabled Please Plug the Cable.'
I searched for an answer but it seems that everyone has a slightly different problem than I have. Any help is appreciated.

In Windows 7 I used to have my Sound set up that I had my Headset plugged in at my front audio ports, and my speakers plugged in in the rear. I used to use the 'Playback Devices' menu to switch the default playback device depending on what I needed.

When switching to Windows 10, the updater/setup automatically installed a 'Realktek HD Audio Manager' (which is the manufacturer), however that driver removed the ability to do that. I can now no longer switch devices in the Playback devices, both front and back connectors are the same 'device'. I have to use the Audio Manager in an annoying way.

I tried uninstalling the the Audio Manager, and that works for a short time, but apparently Windows reinstalls it every time. Is there a way to work around the Audio Manager screwing up my sound management. Another way to help me would be to figure out how to avoid Windows reinstalling that application every time without asking me. Is there a way to do one of those two things?

Edit: I actually like the automated installation of most drivers on the system. The problem lies with that one, so disabling ALL automated installation isn't really what I wanted.


3 Answers

Try Microsoft's tool to Show/Hide Updates.

Intel chipset device software
  1. Uninstall the driver

    1. Press Win+x, and then click Device Manager
    2. Find the driver, and click Uninstall
  2. Run the troubleshooter package from Microsoft

    1. Follow the instructions, and disable the Realtek driver update

Bad To Remove Realtek Ethernet Controller Driver Windows 10

I was able to use the following steps to simulate Windows 7 style Audio Behavior without actually being driverless (and thus not having any sound at all). This is one of the solution, the other one being by geek1011.

In the Realtek HD Audio Manager, go to Connector Settings, and switch to the device that is responsible for your speakers. Also disable Auto Popup dialog.

In the advanced device settings set the options for two different audio streams and separate all input jacks.

In Windows, go to the Action Center, All settings, System, Notifications & actions. There, turn off notifications by the Realtek HD Audio Manager and hide the realtek manager from your taskbar.


Realtek Ethernet Controller

Here's a way of removing it the way you're wanting to.

  1. With Realtek still installed go to the task manager and find'Realtek Audio Driver' ('Rltk' or look for their speaker emblem) on the list of applications.

  2. Then open the application's properties and go the Security Tab and click the Advanced button near the bottom.

  3. From there you'll want to remove everything from that list (it removes all permissions from Realtek Audio).

  4. Then uninstall the Realtek Audio Driver from the Add or Remove Programs menu or the Device Manager.

Now, when you restart your PC, it will not have permission to reinstall itself and Windows should activate their default audio driver to replace it.


Bad To Remove Realtek Ethernet Controller Driver Windows 7

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